1. About this blog
Want to be a proper breadwinner?
Being a single mom is very challenging especially when you have more than two kids and do not get paid enough.
One of the solutions is to "update" yourself to become a proper breadwinner, but how can you do it?
Let me share my story that I experienced more than 15 years ago.
At 36 I became widowed (Anything uncontrollable could happen to your life! )
I had four children who were 13, 11, 7, and 5 years old. My salary was only 3 million yen which means $28,000 per year. It was totally not enough to raise my children.
I decided to "update" myself. In 2003, I went to the US with all my children. The main objective is to join in a graduate course to get a masters degree. Two years later, I successfully got the degree and had a new position in Tokyo.
By the time I quit the job to be independent in 2015, my salary increased up to 14 million yen, 4 times more than before going to the US.
None of my children had to have a mortgage to go to college. Now they are all grown up, and one of them is a dad of an adorable baby girl ( I am a grandma!).
My life totally changed.
This blog is mainly focusing on my two-year life in the US which was sometimes funny, sometimes tough, and overall very worthwhile to me and my children ( I hope so).
Hope you’ll enjoy my story and have some tips to make your life better.
Happy reading!